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Community Bible Experience

Participating churches read the whole New Testament in eight weeks. Readers meet in book club-style discussion groups to reflect on Scripture together. It's that simple.
The Books of the Bible


Participants read (or listen to) The Books of the Bible, a groundbreaking edition of the New International Version that restores a more natural presentation of the text. It's about as close as we can get to the original Bible without learning Greek. There is also a children's version available.

40-Day Reading Plan


Biblica provides a 40-day reading plan for the entire New Testament. Participants read about 12 pages a day, 5 days a week. The exact length varies because each day's reading ends at a natural stopping point, instead of random intervals. Most of the readings can be completed in about 30 minutes.

Discussion Groups


Participants gather in weekly groups, but this is not just another Bible study. The conversation is more like a book club. Biblica provides 5 simple, adaptable questions—discussion prompts to help you reflect on the text. There are no workbooks, no fill-in-the-blank answers. Just honest, open conversation about the Bible.

For More Information​


  • Visit to view and order Community Bible Experience resources​


  • Watch and share the video! >>>



"Community Bible Experience has transformed our church in a way that nothing else has. That's why I love this experience—and that's why we'll be doing it again."

—Kyle Brown, lead pastor

Berkley Hills Wesleyan Church


"This study changed me. Reading such a large amount of scripture at one time led me to hear more of what God is really saying."

—Janette, participant


"Sometimes the best ideas are the simplest. The Books of the Bible sweeps away many of the pious additions that can obsure the ancient text of Scripture, revealing connections that readers have too often missed."

—Andy Crouch,

Christianity Today

© 2018 by The Sending Project

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